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AT MIAtecs, all our algorithms can be adapted to every special segmentation case.

Rosette segmentation

During the vegetative developmental phase of Arabidopsis thaliana, the largest part of the aboveground biomass, leaves, are first organized as flat rosette with little overlap.

Being capable of analyzing rosette structure and leafs organization at high-throughput is crucial to better understand the impacts of biotic and abiotics stresses on the photosynthetic activity of the plant.

Traits computed from segmented rosette

  • Rosette area (cm²): total or per leaf

  • Rosette shape descriptors (circularity, roundness,...)

  • Leaf's color

Xylem segmentation

Traits computed from xylem analysis

In plants, the transport of water and vital elements such as sugars are made through vascular tissues.

Understanding how xylem and phloem tissues respond to environemental constraints will help researchers to better highlight how do plant develop.

  • Vessels counting (per category)

  • Vessels area (cm²)

  • Vessels shape descriptors (circularity, roudness,...)

Plasma membrane proteins segmentation

In plants, plasma membrane proteins play a crucial role in the perception of biotic and abiotic stresses. They are the key actors of many physiological processes such as the mecanoperception or signal transduction.

Analysis of PM proteins shape, organization, dynamics and interactions is a recent field of cellular biology and promises incredible discoveries.

Traits computed for PM proteins

  • PM shape descriptors (circularity, roudness,...)

  • PM organization

  • PM dynamics

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