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Most of the biological processes that occur in mammalian and plant cells are controlled by chemical signalling.
The analysis of those chemical signals usually relies on traditionnal chemical measurements with extraction, purification, identification and analysis.
At the opposite, chemical imaging is non-destructive and allows for real-time, quantitative and reliable chemical product measurements.

Calcium signalling
Here, calcium imaging has been performed using RGeco-1 biosensor
(Zhao et al., 2011).
The signal is analyzed in the root tip where we can detect Ca²+ spikes.
Traits computed
Ca²+ spikes counting
Ca²+ spikes tracking and characterization

pH Imaging
pH in the plant apoplast can be imaged using Apo-pHusion biosensor expressed in the whole seedling (Getting et al., 2012).
We can observe several acidic and basics pH areas along the seedling and track the apoplastic pH dynamics during plant growth simultaneously in WT and mutants affected in the cellulose biosynthesis.
Traits computed
Relative pH values along the whole seedling

WT Apo-Phusion in WT Apo-pHusion in mutants

Quantitative analysis (maps) of relative apoplastic pH values along the whole seedling
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