Cellular biology aims to understand the structures, functions, and processes that occur inside cells. This field examines the morphology of cells (shape and structure), their physiology (functioning), their genetics (inheritance and DNA), their metabolism (chemical reactions), their division (mitosis and meiosis), their intercellular communication, and much more. It helps to better understand vital processes such as growth, reproduction, the immune defense mechanism or genetic regulation.
The contributions of microscopy in cellular biology are extensive and have been recognized with several Nobel Prizes for the development of electron microscopy (Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll, 1986) and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell, and William E. Moerner, 2014).
MIAtecs algorithms extract meaningfull information from every part of the cell.
Whatever your proteins of interest are expressed in the cells, MIAtecs help you determine their level of expression, behaviour, interactions, and many more.
3D reconstruction of a plant cell in division (Golgi apparatus: yellow, Microtubules: blue, Cell membrane: pink, A protein involved in the cellulose biosynthesis: green).
NUCLEUS analysis
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